Practice History
Stafford Health and Wellbeing (SHaW) is the new home for Browning Street Surgery. This is a well-respected practice that has been based in the north of Stafford since the NHS began.
It was originally based on the Foregate before moving to Browning Street. It was the first Stafford practice to be modernised in 1991 when the practice premises were enlarged and for 6 months the practice operated from a porta-cabin.
Within a few years, with the expansion of services, the practice had outgrown the building. Despite inadequate car-parking and no attached pharmacy patient numbers have remained the same whilst other practices have rebuilt and developed more modern premises.
The strength of the practice is that it remains very patient focused delivering quality medical and nursing care from an experienced and well developed practice team.
The building of new facilities as part of the Northfield Village development by Staffordshire County Council offers an incredible opportunity to take the skills of the practice team and place them in premises that are second to none anywhere in the area.
Training Practice
Stafford Health and Wellbeing is a training practice for General Practitioner Registrars. These are fully trained doctors with a wealth of hospital experience who are being trained for the Primary Care setting.
Training may involve shared surgeries with another doctor and video surgeries. The reception staff will inform you if the consultations are being filmed. Please say if you would prefer not to be filmed.
Other allied professionals and students may on occasion be sitting in with the doctor or nurse. Please say if you would like them to leave.
Thank you for your assistance.
Zero Tolerance
Please note that this practice now operates a ‘zero tolerance’ policy.
We fully accept that when people are unwell and possibly anxious they may be more short-tempered than usual. However, there is no reason why our dedicated staff and loyal staff should tolerate unprovoked blatant rudeness, aggressiveness and unreasonable demands.
The policy (which is now common within the NHS) is designed to protect the G.Ps and staff at Stafford Health & Wellbeing from the minority of patients who are constantly rude, aggressive and demanding.
In future we will have no hesitation in removing patients from our lists who cannot demonstrate good manners and reasonable behaviour to our employees.
if you require any further information – please do not hesitate to ask.